Here's a trailer of De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man)
(Just click this link for the trailer)
Brief background about this film:
De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man) is a 1983 Dutch suspense film directed by Paul Verhoeven based on the novel De Vierde Man by Gerard Reve. Starring Jeroen Krabbe and Renee Soutendijk.
As I was searching through the internet, I read reviews about the De Vierde Man. Most of the reviews that I have read said that it is really dark. I read also a critic saying that why does it have to had a figure of Jesus Christ. Blah blah blah and stuff like that.
For me, as my religion is Christian and I used to study at a Christian school I was kinda shocked seeing another guy doing what Christ did.
(here's the pic of the guy)
At the first part of the film, there was spider. As the film goes on, I realized that Gerard Reve represents the spider because usually the spider after mating is killed by another spider.
When Gerard went to a public talk (I forgot the topic of the talk), he met Christine, which is in the end of the film was described as a witch. He is sexually involved with Christine. Then one time he saw Christine's other lover Herman. Gerard is a bisexual by the way. Then he asked Christine to ask Herman to come over to her house. And the falling action of the story was Gerard realized that Christine had already 3 husbands. In my opinion, she mated with those 3 guys then killed them afterwards. Then Gerard realized either him or Herman will be the fourth man that she will kill. In the end, Herman died. Gerard became delusional and Christine found her fifth target.

Paul Verhoeven has said of the film: "The Fourth Man has to do with my vision of religion. In my opinion, Christianity is nothing more than one of many interpretations of reality, neither more nor less. Ideally, it would be nice to believe that there is a God somewhere out there, but it looks to me as if the whole Christian religion is a major symptom of schizophrenia in half the world's population: civilizations scrambling to rationalize their chaotic existence. Subsequently, Christianity has a tendency to look like magic or the occult. And I liked that ambiguity, because I wanted my audience to take something home with them. I wanted them to wonder about what religion really is. Remember, that Christianity is a religion grounded in one of the most violent acts of murder, the crucifixion. Otherwise, religion wouldn't have had any kind of impact. With regard to the irony of the violence, much of that probably comes from my childhood experiences during and immediately following the Second World War. In fact, if it hadn't been for the German occupation and then the American occupation, I would have never been a filmmaker."
De Vierde Man is considered as a Film Noir because of femme fatale because Christine is a femme fatale.
There are also foreshadowing when people in the salon tried to warn Gerard to be careful.
Another is when the a girl and his child represents Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary and also the spider in the first part of the film.